SÜDVERS & Eye Security

Together, we protect Europe's businesses.

Every business is a cyber target. With 24/7 monitoring, rapid incident response, affordable insurance and ongoing support, SÜDVERS and Eye take cyber risk off your balance sheet. Request an introduction below to find out how Eye's service can help reduce cyber risk.

About the partnership with SÜDVERS
A joint mission to eliminate cyber risks.

SUDVERS is the efficient and powerful International Insurance Broker, Risk-Manager and Financial-Service Provider that enjoys a high amount of trust as a family Business. Our clients, often medium sized family businesses from a large variety of sectors, rely on our highly respected reputation. They place their trust in us regarding the protection of all the possible risks of their business and also their personal protection and that of their employees. Due to our growing and long-standing client relationships we have evolved on a national and international level into a comprehensive specialist in the fields of Risk- and Insurance-Analyzation, Managing Risks, Credit- and Bonds-Management and corporate and private Provision.

Visit suedvers.de

High-performing tech. With a human touch.

Here's what our customers say about us.

I can really talk to them and they think constructively. They don’t just come in with some commercial product.
Peter Onland, Former IT Manager, Signature Foods.
It feels great to know that someone is looking over your shoulder 24/7 at a network level. Now I can sleep with two eyes closed.
Marco ter Haar, IT Manager, KlaassenGroep.
It is very pleasant to work with a supplier who speaks our business’ language and also works together with our IT supplier
Gertjan Van der Most, CEO, Van der Most Transport.
Eventually the software will increasingly learn which patterns belong to our network and which do not.
Rik Jaeken, IT Manager, KeyTec Group.

Let's talk.